INTAV | Audio Visual - System Integrator & ConsultantINTAV | Audio Visual - System Integrator & ConsultantINTAV | Audio Visual - System Integrator & Consultant
Harapan Indah, Bekasi, Indonesia
INTAV | Audio Visual - System Integrator & ConsultantINTAV | Audio Visual - System Integrator & ConsultantINTAV | Audio Visual - System Integrator & Consultant

Global Social Media Company Project


Global Social Media Company Project

Global Social Media Company
Based in USA, Located in Gatot Subroto, Jakarta



In this project, the client needed AV solution for several type of meeting rooms (huddle room, small meeting room, medium meeting room, and large meeting room), training rooms, and lounge, and also refreshment and recabling of some of the existing equipment. This project started in 2017 with the theme “Of a Colorful and Identity of Indonesia” while still in accordance with Facebook office identity.

  • Modern Meeting Room
  • Facebook
  • 24/11/2017


We installed NEC Display (65″, 75″) as well as camera and video conferencing system in the meeting rooms to ensure a sophisticated and functional AV solution. We also installed display bracket and NEC Display as well as speakers in training rooms to help with the smooth and easy use of AV equipment in the room.


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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)
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